Bye for now!!
Marilyn G.
Ryder is just the cutest, most precious dog. You have wonderful dogs to have such great puppies. He was so easy to crate and house train. He loves running and playing at the beach and Laguna Nigel Park with my buddy's dog, a standard poodle. He entertains himself playing with his toys. Thanks for this great Dog. My vet says he's one of the cutest and healthiest Wheaten Terriers he's ever seen.
Bye for now!! Marilyn G.
Hi Denise,
I have been meaning to email you for months to tell you how much we love our Mini Whoodle puppy and it’s taken me until now. Chloe has been a delightful addition to our family. She is the happiest and most loving puppy I’ve ever known. My boys and my parents adore her (in addition to my husband and I). She is very well loved. Just the other day, my youngest son said, “I’m so happy we got her.” During the three days I work, she is at my parents’ house so she gets lots of attention. She is a smart little girl with lots of fun energy and personality. She has started puppy classes and is doing well. I just wanted to give you a quick update. I hope her sister, Goldie, is doing well. Take care, Cathy & Lee B We picked up our little boy, Hancock, and he is a delight. His 3rd birthday is coming up in February. He’s a loving and well adjusted pup…just the sweetest soul! Once we got him home, our 13 year old Wheaten wasn’t as keen on a little brother as we were…she has since come to love him as much as we do…but we quickly realized our little boy, Hancock, needed a “friend”…so we called Denise again and a few months after bringing Hancock home, we brought home little Cali. Cali is the loveliest Wheaten we have ever had (our 4th). She is simply love on 4 legs. Easy to train. Well behaved from the get go. Just a little love bug. From someone who purchased two pups from Celebrity Pups within one year, they are wonderful, loving and well adjusted little puppies. We went to Denise’s farm to pick up both of them. Denise took us around to meet their parents and interact with the other dogs on her farm. Welcomed us into her home to spend as much time with the puppies of choice as we needed. I would go back again in a minute. Denise has given us two adorable and sweet puppies and I wouldn’t hesitate to go back again to Celebrity Pups for my next Wheaten Terrier.
John Soto Just had to share this email I received from one of my many happy Wheaten owners. This couple contacted us after their second Wheaten in a row (purchased from two different breeders) passed away at age 6 from PLN. They wanted to fill that hole in their heart with another Wheaten but this time around, they wanted to make absolutely SURE their new puppy came from PLN free, genetically tested bloodlines. So they called us and we just happened to have one female puppy available. We were so in love with this little girl and were planning on keeping her. Their story really touched us though, so we let them take her. It was obvious she was going to a wonderful, loving home that deserved some happiness after their tragic losses.
If you're considering purchasing a Wheaten or Whoodle, make sure the parents are DNA tested for PLN. We hear the heartbreaking stories all the time from people who come to us looking for a PLN negative puppy after unknowingly buying one from a breeder who didn't test for it and loosing their dog to this deadly genetic disorder. If affected with PLN, a Wheaten will pass away from Kidney Failure by age 6 and there's no cure. Dear Denise, I've been meaning to write to you for awhile. So sorry for the delay...Bibi is just the most awesome of dogs. She will do anything for a belly rub & follows me around hoping I'll drop one on her :-) She is super smart-- I taught her to sit, stay & come by nine months. One of her favorite things to do is "play soccer" in the backyard most afternoons. She's deflated 3 balls so far. Most days she gets an hour long walk through the neighborhood where, honestly, she's like a celebrity. Everyone knows her and she absolutely eats up the attention. She waits by the door each morning in anticipation this adventure. She loves her crate and is still crated at night. It's the only place where she will snooze during the day so she naps there 3-4 hours every afternoon. Needless to say we adore her through & through. We hope all is well with you. We think of you very often and send so much love your way for giving her to us. Warmest, Mary M. Hi Denise! Wanted to say a big thank you for introducing us to our Mini Whoodle, Emma (you guys named her judy, we had the name Emma picked out before)... shes an amazing little puppy, she is such a happy puppy, we couldn't be happier. Perfect addition to our family. Perfect fit to our household. Shes almost 5 months old, so smart. My 2 other dogs love her so much. I'm sending a picture of her I took yesterday. Jason and I are very happy we found you guys, Emma is truly a blessing ....
Carlos d'Empaire Hi Denise, Just wanted to send a few pictures of Gilbert at about 7 months. He's the best dog ever, super friendly, really smart. He just had his first snow experience and decided he absolutely loves it. I'm really glad I got him and thanks for raising a great breed and doing a really good job getting them socialized and ready to rock in the world.
Josh F. Hi Denise... Willie doing fine. Took him to the vet for follow-up shots & exam. Everything is Great!
Wouldn't take to crate training so we're doing it old style ... Taking him out every 1 to 2 hrs and he's learning fast. Meant to give u an update sooner but had to care for my sick brother so got behind on most everything. Hope all is well w/you. Thanks, Patricia B. Denise,
We would like to say thank you and also update on how our pup looks like since we picked him up last June. We love and enjoy him very much. Lan Nguyen Hello Denise - Just wanted to send a follow up on our Mini Whoodle, who is now called Carly. She has been the most fantastic addition to our home and family. We have become so attached to this sweet and snugly baby that we cant say thank you enough for such a wonderful pup! We hope you have a great 2017 and we hope all the other homes that get pups enjoy their bundles as much as we have enjoyed our new baby! Again - Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
Happy New Year 🎉 Kevin and Lisa S. We are so glad to have stumbled upon Celebrity Pups! We are in love! Our little Mini Whoodle Charley came home yesterday and safe to say he has won our hearts, a perfect puppy in every way. He arrived after a long flight with a wagging nub and sweet puppy kisses. He loves playing with his mini dachshund sister, although he does steal her toys. I can't say that he slept through the night, but he has not had 1 accident in the house in over 24 hours! We have been able to enjoy his arrival in so many ways!!! He went to work with me today, a veterinary office, and my coworkers are in awe! Thank you Denise! You did such an amazing job!!! We will stay in contact, so you can watch him grow with us💙
Beth S. Hi, we are vacationing In this little Mexican town of Barra de Navidad. Lots of Canadians here, and they KNOW their Wheatens. Everyone thinks Bernadette is a perfect dog!
We have referred a couple of Canadians to your site. Only time Bernie has barked in a month was when she saw Dave's guitar for the first time. Very threatening guitar, doncha know..... Here's a photo of her paddle boarding with Dave. Marilyn R Just wanted to let you know that our Whoodle, Gulliver is doing really great and we adore him.
He has gained over four pounds and is growing fast! The cat has decided Gulliver has passed the introductory requirements and they are getting better acquainted. House training is Golden! Better than we could have dreamed of. His personality seemed to have blossomed and is a super happy, loving pup. He LOVES to run tracks around the yard, tumbles and all, we call that running, "whoodling". He is perfect. Our veterinarian was very impressed with how thorough your paperwork was and how you continued his needed vaccines, etc. We will keep in touch. All the best and blessings, Lisa & Ed G. Hi Denise
Hope this finds you well and looking forward to a great Easter. I'm finally getting around to sending you photos of our Mini Whoodle, Tess - she's just awesome - we love her to pieces. All our best, Mark & Sarah Carbone Hi Guys, We got Nelly from you in February of 2012 (you named him Finley). Bringing him home was the best thing we ever did and he has become such a huge part of our life that I just can't imagine not having him with us. He was the "ring bear" in our wedding this May and just turned Five years old (so we had to celebrate with his very own steak). Just wanted to share some photos with you.
-Chrissy B. Our Mini Whoodle Piper is just about nine months old now- she has calmed down and she gently nudges us to rub her- she is such a great dog- everybody loves her, especially us!!!!
Sharon M. Denise - I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU!! From the minute she came out of her kennel at the airport, our Standard Whoodle Miriam has been the sweetest thing. She has been perfect for our family and has even helped my son overcome his fears of dogs. I was so nervous given our experiences in the past trying to get a rescue, and because we could not meet the puppy, but she is perfect. When I took her to our vet to get her introduced and ready to go for her next round of shots, they complemented you and said I had found a great breeder. They were impressed with your records and everything that had been done. Thank you again for all of your help and for connecting us with the perfect dog for our family. My husband is from Hawaii so the kids have renamed her Kona. My 9 year-old has slept on the floor in front of her kennel every night since she has been here. I know she is going to provide our family with a lot of laughs and will be well loved. I am forever grateful!!
Karna S. I wanted to send you pictures of our our Standard Whoodle Wyatt so your daughter can see how he's growing. He's absolutely wonderful!! Do they all have eyelashes this long?! He's our beautiful boy, 6 months old already.
Tell your daughter he is very sweet like his mommy for sure. Here's a video of him protecting us from that big doggy in the mirror. :) Hope all is well with you. Judy F. Hi!
I thought I’d send you a one year update on our Whoodle, Maggie. She’s an absolute delight - funny, loving and full of goofy energy. She’s graduated from puppy training and will be starting her adult AKC training soon, as well as agility. She’s been wine tasting with us, traveled with us to the snow in Colorado and to the desert out in Salton Sea - and everywhere we go people ask us what breed she is and where we got her. She topped out at 27 pounds (pretty close to what you predicted) and is a wonderful travel companion and all around buddy. Thanks for providing us such a wonderful addition to our family! Here are a few photos of our pup! Eileen and Chuck O This is the latest review from one of our families we donated a Whoodle puppy to. This family had adopted a daughter who suffered from severe anxiety so they contacted us looking for a service dog. We told them we had the perfect pup for them. A little black Whoodle who their daughter named Phoebe.
Oh Denise! Our Whoodle, Phoebe is doing so well! She lives with Michelle, the Service Dog trainer during the week and then comes home on the weekends where we get to practice the latest training. Phoebe just started alerting to our daughter, Faithie. She isn't even six months old yet. During church this Sunday, she sensed Faithie's anxiety, licked her feet, then she placed her paw on her and sat up and looked directly in Faithie's eyes. Faithie was sitting by our trainer and she taught her to respond to Phoebe. Phoebe laid down with her head resting on Faithie's foot. Halfway thru the service she moved her head but had a paw on Faithie the whole time. Faithie is getting attached and they are bonding. We are so impressed with how smart she is and how in tune she is with Faithie's needs at such a young age. I will keep sending updates. We are so grateful to you for giving her to us!! Sheri My husband is an Army veteran with five deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq. He didn't come back the same. And when he left the army after 14 years, he had an extreme case of PTSD. Simple tasks like going to the grocery store or even out to dinner and the movies gave him panic attacks and he had fear just to live every day life. I was in search of not a cure but something to help him cope. I did some research and found that maybe a service dog would be in his best interest. I was a little picky about finding the right dog and when I mean picky I mean non shedding! After much research I came across Denise and Celebrity Pups. I felt like I needed to contact her. I explained our situation and she was very helpful and she said she had the perfect dog for us and offered it at no cost to us! We drove 8 hours to meet our new family member. She instantly connected with my husband! We wanted to test out her easy going temperament and at just four months old we decided to take her with us to the movies. We thought that she wasn't going to be able to sit through it, being a puppy but she did! She laid right next to my husband the entire movie. We kept testing what we could do with a puppy and she can do anything! She was super easy to train and was a pro by six months old! She goes on vacations with us and never leaves my husband's side. She even has a seat to ride on his motorcycle. Since having our Charli-Girl my husband no longer goes through his anxiety attacks and even enrolled in our local college where he takes Charli with him to his classes. We couldn't imagine our life without her. She has saved him. She knows when he's stressed and having an attack and calms him down. She even helps with his nightmares at night. When he starts to shake in his sleep she lays on his chest and slowly wakes him up. I no longer worry about leaving my husband at home while I am at work because of Charli. I don't think I can ever thank Denise enough for donating Charli to us and bringing her into our lives. She is currently almost 10 months old and doing great. Getting a Whoodle was the best decision we have ever made!
Ashley S. Hi
Here is a picture of Kona who turned One today. She is so loving, playful and friendly. She loves people, especially kids and other dogs. People always comment on how beautiful she is and especially how soft and of course comment on her eyelashes! People always ask what breed she is and when I tell them Whoodle they smile and want to know all about that breed. She has accompanied me to a few of my nursing homes and is very observant and gives residents kisses. She's going to make a wonderful therapy dog. Will be certifying her as a therapy dog but I am fortunate that I Consult in nursing homes so I can get her used to them ahead of time. She does seem to sniff out the people that need her most. There was a lady that was sitting in her room receiving treatment and Kona immediately wanted to go to her and another that waved us in because she missed her own dog. After the visit she smiled and said thank you, I really miss my dog and that helped to see yours. I will be sure to send you more updates as we progress in our therapy dog experience. We are so happy she is a part of our lives. Thank you, The Hildebrand Family Hi Denise! Just a quick thank U for the best puppy ever! Our whole family is so in love with our Wheaten!
She is 6 months old, a ball of energy, sweet snuggler, and wonderful friend! Thanks again all the way from Louisiana!!! Tina V. Denise,
Here's a picture of my Kona (Whoodle) and her half sister Nola (Wheaten). They got together for pumpkin craving with the kids. Kona loves the pool and can't keep her out of it, as you can tell by her wet legs. The two dogs are great friends. And another pic of Kona-Just got groomed. I am jealous of her eyelashes! Gina Merry Christmas, Denise!
Our Wheatens, Shamus (on the right) and Riley (left) are doing very well. They are very happy, healthy, and active in Texas. And a little spoiled! They are the best dogs ever! Debbie E. Hi Denise,
Just thought I'd send a picture of Wyatt now that he's about 4 1/2 months old. I can't even describe to you how in love with are with this guy. Everything you talk about in your descriptions of your Whoodle puppies is 100 percent true. Just the most loving, sweet natured, smart puppy you could ask for. He's a total character and makes us laugh several times a day 😍 Everyone falls in love with him. Thank you, thank you, thank you for such a wonderful little guy! Will send more pictures as he gets older. Merry Christmas!! Brent and Judy F |
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